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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM
Sat - 9:00AM-5:00PM
Sundays by appointment only!
Riding lessons
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Riding lessons

Do you love horses? Then this is the perfect place for you! Book a lesson with us now by callin... [Read More]

start fitness courses
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start fitness courses

Gym classes are starting!! This year we not only offer classical and modern dance, but also fit... [Read More]

What do our gyms offer?
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What do our gyms offer?

The Mannus Club gyms offer many different activities.DANCE COURSES-Classic-Modern-Hip Hop-FitnessFor... [Read More]

1st Level Federal Instructor, I have been working at Mannus for almost ten years. I have seen our young people grow up.

Sole director, in addition to the management present when necessary with tasks of various kinds

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Leave your request, indicating the email to which to reply. Alternatively you can call directly one of the numbers of the center or of the instructors